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Badkamer berging

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Gesighanddoek opberging Suigbeker stoor boks Muur gemonteerde wastafel Afval gesig handdoek stoor rak Badkamer badkamer

Gesighanddoek opberging Suigbeker stoor boks Muur gemonteerde wastafel Afval gesig handdoek stoor rak Badkamer badkamer

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  • Verwante Produkte
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom manufacture
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom supplier
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom supplier
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom details
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom manufacture
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom factory
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom details
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom supplier
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom details
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom manufacture
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom supplier
Produkte aanbeveel
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom details
Minimum bestelling
soos in die figuur getoon
soos in die figuur getoon
lewering tyd
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom manufacture
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom factory
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom details
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom supplier
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom supplier
Face towel storage Suction cup storage box Wall mounted washstand Waste face towel storage shelf Bathroom bathroom manufacture
1. Wat is die minimum bestelhoeveelheid? A: Die hoeveelheid hang af van die kliënt, meer hoeveelheid, goedkoper prys. 2. Kan u OEM- of ODM-diens aanbied? A: Ja. Ons kan OEM- of ODM-diens bied volgens u ontwerp. 3.Wat is die betaalmetode? A: Ons aanvaar T/T, L/C. 4. Wat is die verskepingsopsies wat jy verskaf, en wat is die verskepingspoort? A: Ons verskaf DHL, FEDEX, UPS, EMS, en lug, see gestuur FOB hawe. 5. Verskaf jy voorbeeld van hierdie produk? A: Ja, ons kan monster gratis verskaf in sekere hoeveelheid, vragfooi word deur kliënte ingesamel.
6. Kan u volgens die monsters produseer? A: Ja, ons kan produseer deur u monsters of tegniese tekeninge. Ons kan die vorms en wedstryde bou.
7. Toets jy al jou goedere voor aflewering? A: Ja, ons het 100% toets voor aflewering
8. Hoe maak u ons langtermyn- en goeie verhouding? A:1. Ons hou goeie gehalte en mededingende prys om te verseker dat ons kliënte voordeel trek; 2. Ons respekteer elke kliënt as ons vriend en ons doen opreg besigheid en maak vriende met hulle, maak nie saak waar hulle vandaan kom nie.