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product suction cup shower stand the bathroom shower stand is perforation free and removable-41

Shramba v kopalnici Slovenija

Domov >  Izdelki >  Shramba v kopalnici

Stojalo za prho s priseskom Kopalniško stojalo za prho je brez perforacij in ga je mogoče odstraniti

Stojalo za prho s priseskom Kopalniško stojalo za prho je brez perforacij in ga je mogoče odstraniti

  • Pregled
  • Povpraševanje
  • Podobni izdelki
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable manufacture
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable supplier
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable factory
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable manufacture
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable factory
Priporočite izdelke
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable manufacture
Minimalna kol
kot je prikazano na sliki
kot je prikazano na sliki
čas dostave
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable supplier
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable supplier
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable supplier
Mnenja strank
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable details
Pogosta Vprašanja
Suction cup shower stand The bathroom shower stand is perforation-free and removable supplier
1. Kakšna je najmanjša količina naročila? O: Količina je odvisna od stranke, večja količina, nižja cena. 2. Ali lahko ponudite storitev OEM ali ODM? O: Da. Ponujamo lahko storitev OEM ali ODM glede na vaš dizajn. 3.Kakšen je način plačila? O: Sprejemamo T/T, L/C. 4. Kakšne so možnosti pošiljanja, ki jih ponujate, in kakšno je pristanišče pošiljanja? O: Nudimo DHL, FEDEX, UPS, EMS in zračne, pomorske pošiljke FOB pristanišče. 5. Ali nudite vzorec tega izdelka? O: Da, lahko zagotovimo brezplačen vzorec v določeni količini, prevoznino poberejo stranke.
6. Ali lahko izdelate v skladu z vzorci? O: Da, lahko izdelamo po vaših vzorcih ali tehničnih risbah. Lahko gradimo plesni in napeljave.
7.Ali testirate vse svoje blago pred dostavo? O: Da, pred dostavo imamo preizkus 100%
8.Kako z našimi posli ustvarjate dolgoročne in dobre odnose? A:1. Ohranjamo dobro kakovost in konkurenčno ceno, da našim strankam zagotovimo koristi; 2. Vsako stranko spoštujemo kot svojega prijatelja in z njo iskreno poslujemo in se spoprijateljimo, ne glede na to, od kod prihaja.